A New Revolution
As a child, do you remember your parents telling you to do something, and you didn’t do it? For whatever reason, probably the disobedient heart of a child, you didn't do what they told you. They would come back and say to you, “I'm going to give you to three. If you don't do it by three, you're going to get it.” Then they counted off “one, two, three.” If you had not done it by three, you would hear these words, “Wait till your father gets home,” or the wrath of your parent came down. You were either grounded for life, or you had some kind of disciplinary action because of your disobedience. All of us remember those moments in time. Well, we are in a similar time when it comes to the state of our nation and our world. Our society has been stuck in patterns of disobedience to God for some time now, and we need a new revolution.