Politics and Faith

Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near. (Revelation 1:3)

Our country is in an interesting place politically right now, and has been for quite some time. Some people are very extreme with their political views and convictions, listening to and repeating everything they hear on the news. Other people completely ignore what is happening politically and fail to stand up for their faith and what the Bible says. They don’t want to cause conflict or hurt someone’s feelings.

I want to make one thing very clear. Regardless of how vocal you are about your political stance; one thing should remain true for all followers of Christ. Your politics are to be influenced by the Bible. Let me say it again. Your politics are to be influenced by the Word of God. Many believers today have developed an entire worldview that is separate from the very Word of God. Your politics should be influenced by the Bible.

If your politics are not influenced by the Bible, there is something wrong. Because God has used Israel, we must stand with Israel. Any policy or plan that hurts Israel does not align with God's plan.

Many people have been seduced by the socialistic and Marxist direction that our country is taking. At this time, the left is pushing for bigger government and more socialized programs. We see a strong divergence from the Word of God and a great hatred toward Israel arising in our country.

This is not just some political agenda flowing today that will take its course. We need to embrace Scripture on this. If we don't align with Israel and stand by Israel, we are not standing with God. This is very important. If anyone wants to hurt or destroy Israel, they are aligned with the evil one. They are aligned with the dragon who wants to destroy Israel.
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Betty Jane Laughlin - February 15th, 2023 at 5:41am

I stand on the Word of God. Politics have gotten so distorted. We need to stand with Israel.

Juaquin Jordan - February 15th, 2023 at 8:30am

It doesn't matter if you lean 'left ' or 'right' - that is irrelevant. Your 'lean' should be aligned always with God's word!

Joan - February 15th, 2023 at 9:00am

Yes, we need to stand with Israel. But 'socialized programs such as Social Security and Obamacare help people. Your comment about the left is offensive. Jesus helped people.

Lyn - February 15th, 2023 at 9:29am


rosa - February 15th, 2023 at 10:02am

There is nothing offensive about Dr. Dodd's comments about the left. The policies of the left are offensive to God.





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particular partnership passage passing passion pastors path patient peace peae perception perfectly perfect perform perishing perish persecuted perseverance personally personal perspective persuade plan pleasing political pondering positioned position possibility powerful power praised praises praiseworthy praise praising prayed prayerful prayers prayer praying pray preached preachers preacher preaching preach prepared prepare presence present preserves pressured pressure prevail prevent pride primary principle privilege proactive probelm problem process proclaim produce productive promised promises promise promote prophicies prosperous prosper protecting protection protect proud proved prove provides provide providing provision purify purity purposes purpose pursuing raises raise realized realize realizing reassured rebelling rebellion receive recieved recover recuperation redeems redeem redemption redemptive referring reflection refuse reignite rejected relationships relationship 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