It Will All Pan Out In The End
But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Matthew 24:36)
When I was in college, I went to a Christian college that required that you take at least nine hours of Bible. At that particular time in my life, I wasn't really interested in the Bible. I had gone to Sunday School and I was majoring in music and speech. Because of my background and growing up in a church, I had some theology, and I knew several different interpretations of the Book of Revelation.
I went to Dr. James Level, who was teaching a particular course on the New Testament. I asked him, “Dr. Level, are you a Pre-millennial, a Post-millennial, or an A-millennial? (I will say more about that in the days to come.) Basically, this has to do with the reign of Christ for a thousand years, and when He will come. The Pre-millennials believe that we will be with Christ before the millennial reign. The Post-millennials believe that it will get better and better, then Jesus will come. And the A-millennials believe it is all symbolic, and there is not literally a thousand years.
Because I was curious about where the professor stood, I posed the question. He looked at me and said, “Young man, I'm a “Pan millennial.” I said, “What's that?” He said, “I believe it's all going to pan out in the end.” That is exactly where I want you to go to realize that Jesus wins, and we will win with Him.
It breaks my heart to see so many relationships experience tension within the church because of where we stand on the end times. What we need to realize is that as much as we study and learn, we will never have all the answers. Only the Father knows it all. So don't allow the interpretation of the end times to ruin your fellowship with your friends, pastors, theologians, and with your family. Don't get into an argument over it. Remember that the theme of the book of Revelation, and really all of Scripture, is about God's hope for His children. If they are going through difficult times, we must remember that, in the end, He will bring everything together and make all things right. Remember that.
When I was in college, I went to a Christian college that required that you take at least nine hours of Bible. At that particular time in my life, I wasn't really interested in the Bible. I had gone to Sunday School and I was majoring in music and speech. Because of my background and growing up in a church, I had some theology, and I knew several different interpretations of the Book of Revelation.
I went to Dr. James Level, who was teaching a particular course on the New Testament. I asked him, “Dr. Level, are you a Pre-millennial, a Post-millennial, or an A-millennial? (I will say more about that in the days to come.) Basically, this has to do with the reign of Christ for a thousand years, and when He will come. The Pre-millennials believe that we will be with Christ before the millennial reign. The Post-millennials believe that it will get better and better, then Jesus will come. And the A-millennials believe it is all symbolic, and there is not literally a thousand years.
Because I was curious about where the professor stood, I posed the question. He looked at me and said, “Young man, I'm a “Pan millennial.” I said, “What's that?” He said, “I believe it's all going to pan out in the end.” That is exactly where I want you to go to realize that Jesus wins, and we will win with Him.
It breaks my heart to see so many relationships experience tension within the church because of where we stand on the end times. What we need to realize is that as much as we study and learn, we will never have all the answers. Only the Father knows it all. So don't allow the interpretation of the end times to ruin your fellowship with your friends, pastors, theologians, and with your family. Don't get into an argument over it. Remember that the theme of the book of Revelation, and really all of Scripture, is about God's hope for His children. If they are going through difficult times, we must remember that, in the end, He will bring everything together and make all things right. Remember that.
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I agree ... Let's put our Faith and Trust in our Lord, Jesus Christ ... He Always "works out" the details for His Glory !!
🤗AMEN Parris AMEN💞ðŸ™
Trust in The Word and know that GOD has The Answers. Don't try to influence things you have no control over. GOD Will provide the WILL.
Hallelujah James🤗 just this morning, I was in a crisis with my adult daughter, she's going through hard times with two teenage children at home unfortunate circumstances Came Upon her financially, and eviction proceedings were about to happen in her apartment, and if that happened she's in Texas and I'm in California it was no way that I could get there fast enough to try and make things right for her and the kids because she failed to let me know of her circumstances until they reached a desperate hour, we prayed and God knew our needs as he always does and we were in fear and God came through he had a plan and a will to come up with the monetary needs to keep a roof over his children's head. How awesome is our God, how Faithful is our God, how Worthy is our God, all we have to do is LOVE and TRUST HIM.. and be patient, for his thoughts are not our thoughts, his timing is not of our timing. The heavenly father worked it out, by using others to bless us. I've been praising God all day everyday for who he is in our lives, and I kept saying to myself "oh ye of little faith" and I asked God to forgive me.
We need to concentrate on what Jesus is teaching us on how to live while we are here on earth. As long as we have accepted Jesus as Savior and live for Him, He will take care of us forever