The Seven Churches
“The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.” (Revelation 1:20)
In the second and third chapters of Revelation, John describes each of the seven churches mentioned in this book of the Bible. The members of each church were in very different places in their faith. It is important that we see where these people were and learn from their mistakes.
The Ephesus Christians were once on fire for Christ, but they have lost their first love. They are not where they used to be. Even though they are not talking about it, they know it on the inside.
The Smyrna Christians are faithful in the midst of persecution, whether it is financial, with their jobs or with their family. In spite of the persecution, they are still remaining true.
The Pergamum Christians are compromising their values for the sake of acceptance by others. They literally don't have a true opinion. They are just like the old song from the seventies – “If you're not with the one you love, love the one you're with.” This is exactly a description of the Pergamum Christian. They just blend in.
The Thyatira Christians are choosing to embrace false teaching, staying in churches because of comfort and stability. Even though the church doctrines are non-biblical, they don't care. They are more committed to the denomination or to the local church than standing on the Word of God.
The Sardis Christians are living on the fumes of yesterday's spiritual experiences. There is no fire in their bones, but no one knows it, except them. Their spiritual reputation from the past hides the present truth of what is happening right now inside them.
The Philadelphia Christians are absolutely on fire for Jesus, wanting people to be saved. They are always looking for opportunities to share their faith and win people to Jesus. This is their one heart.
The Laodicea Christians are apostate. They are more in love with the world than they are with Jesus.
The big question is, “Where are you?” Which church would you be a part of based on your faith walk?
In the second and third chapters of Revelation, John describes each of the seven churches mentioned in this book of the Bible. The members of each church were in very different places in their faith. It is important that we see where these people were and learn from their mistakes.
The Ephesus Christians were once on fire for Christ, but they have lost their first love. They are not where they used to be. Even though they are not talking about it, they know it on the inside.
The Smyrna Christians are faithful in the midst of persecution, whether it is financial, with their jobs or with their family. In spite of the persecution, they are still remaining true.
The Pergamum Christians are compromising their values for the sake of acceptance by others. They literally don't have a true opinion. They are just like the old song from the seventies – “If you're not with the one you love, love the one you're with.” This is exactly a description of the Pergamum Christian. They just blend in.
The Thyatira Christians are choosing to embrace false teaching, staying in churches because of comfort and stability. Even though the church doctrines are non-biblical, they don't care. They are more committed to the denomination or to the local church than standing on the Word of God.
The Sardis Christians are living on the fumes of yesterday's spiritual experiences. There is no fire in their bones, but no one knows it, except them. Their spiritual reputation from the past hides the present truth of what is happening right now inside them.
The Philadelphia Christians are absolutely on fire for Jesus, wanting people to be saved. They are always looking for opportunities to share their faith and win people to Jesus. This is their one heart.
The Laodicea Christians are apostate. They are more in love with the world than they are with Jesus.
The big question is, “Where are you?” Which church would you be a part of based on your faith walk?
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Thank you Pastor Dodd for your teachings. I so appreciate reading your daily teachings. As I read this about the seven churches, I actually dont see myself in just one, but a couple of these differant churches. Always having biblical thoughts and work to do daily to stay on Christs path. As saints and sinners we have a tendency to veer off and on the path!
I belong to a Sardis church with around 30 people. The pastor is trying to turn it into a Philadelphia church. And those few that can are following him and God's leading ðŸ™
I am following the Holy Spirit's Lead. GLORY TO GOD, The Father, Jesus The SON and The HOLY SPIRIT ! Thank YOU Dr. Dodd.
I love this explanation of the seven churches. It's very clear and easy to understand just what each church was. I was attending a church that was like Thyatira and I left that church. Accepting same sex marriage and homosexuality and abortion is wrong, so I left. Thank you for your daily emails Dr. Dodd. I watch your Sunday service too. I love that you use so many Bible verses in your teachings and put them up on the screen for all to follow along. It's sad to me that there are so few pastors teaching the true word of God.