Share Your Faith
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah.” (John 1:41)
After I met Christ as my personal Savior and Lord, the first thing I did was sing and share! As I was riding my bicycle home that Monday afternoon, after praying to receive Christ, I couldn’t help but sing. Although I don’t remember the words of the song, I do remember the joy and the song in my heart. I peddled home as fast as I could to tell my family.
The first person I told was my mother, who was very pleased. Then, I shared with my sisters what I had done, and told them they needed to also follow Christ. I wanted them to know the joy of salvation and freedom that comes from being completely forgiven. Next, I told my friends. I couldn’t hold back from telling people. Seriously, it just flowed from my heart, without any special class on sharing my faith. I simply had to tell everyone…and the more, the better!
Have you shared with your family about your journey with Jesus? Do they really know what you are doing in your walk with Christ? Someone once said, “Impression without expression leads to depression.” Wiser words were never spoken. Maybe, that’s why so many Christians today deal with emotional upheaval. Holding back such an impactful experience is not even logical.
Some people say, “I’m just not an outgoing person. That’s why I fight the urge to tell others about Christ.” Regardless of your personality makeup, it is important to carry out first things, like Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. I can’t imagine holding back that kind of valuable information which could alter the course for all eternity of a family member.
Who do you need to tell today? You already know the answer, don’t you? The Holy Spirit does things like that all of the time. He will give you the nudge that you need to take the first step, but it’s up to you to follow through with the nudge. Don’t be afraid of their response. You have life-changing news to share. You don’t even have to pray about it…just do it, because it is His command. Starting with those nearest and dearest to you, follow through on the “first things!”
After I met Christ as my personal Savior and Lord, the first thing I did was sing and share! As I was riding my bicycle home that Monday afternoon, after praying to receive Christ, I couldn’t help but sing. Although I don’t remember the words of the song, I do remember the joy and the song in my heart. I peddled home as fast as I could to tell my family.
The first person I told was my mother, who was very pleased. Then, I shared with my sisters what I had done, and told them they needed to also follow Christ. I wanted them to know the joy of salvation and freedom that comes from being completely forgiven. Next, I told my friends. I couldn’t hold back from telling people. Seriously, it just flowed from my heart, without any special class on sharing my faith. I simply had to tell everyone…and the more, the better!
Have you shared with your family about your journey with Jesus? Do they really know what you are doing in your walk with Christ? Someone once said, “Impression without expression leads to depression.” Wiser words were never spoken. Maybe, that’s why so many Christians today deal with emotional upheaval. Holding back such an impactful experience is not even logical.
Some people say, “I’m just not an outgoing person. That’s why I fight the urge to tell others about Christ.” Regardless of your personality makeup, it is important to carry out first things, like Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. I can’t imagine holding back that kind of valuable information which could alter the course for all eternity of a family member.
Who do you need to tell today? You already know the answer, don’t you? The Holy Spirit does things like that all of the time. He will give you the nudge that you need to take the first step, but it’s up to you to follow through with the nudge. Don’t be afraid of their response. You have life-changing news to share. You don’t even have to pray about it…just do it, because it is His command. Starting with those nearest and dearest to you, follow through on the “first things!”
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Baptized later in life. Called my minister and told him I need Baptized now, today. He made it happen. I shared my Joy with my parents and started attending a church near them. At 1st, my mom joined me and then my mom became Baptized into Christ and then Slowly, my dad followed. It is a Blessing from God that I am so Thankful for and cherish.
I was on my way to work when I gave my life to Christ. I was so excited everyone wanted to know what had happened to me. I don't know if anyone accepted Jesus because of me but I certainly hope so. I know my 2 boys were curious about what I had found in Jesus. My oldest has accepted Jesus as his Savior and my youngest is still curious
The Baptism of The Holy Spirit was Awesome !